eLearning best practices

Elearning Best Practices

1. Identify e-Learning needs:

Take some time to map out what you think you would need your learning management system to accomplish and whom the system will serve. Think about the potential users and categorize them into groups. How would the e-Learning management system (LMS) meet each of the different user group's needs? Take an initial pass at thinking about the functionality required, but at this point, don't get too enamored by one feature that you think you must absolutely have because the parameters of the project have yet to be set. Try to imagine what other groups in your organization might benefit from using the LMS once it has been thoroughly integrated.

2. Significant interactions should happen within the "5 minute 3 screen" guideline:

As Jacob Nielsen, the world's most renowned expert on usability states, "People rarely read Web pages word by word; instead, they scan the page, picking out individual words and sentences." (2) Users are easily distracted and can lose focus. The "5 minute 3 screen" guideline sets a reasonable pace for the learner to move through the material. (3) The "5 minute 3 screen" guideline is that within 5 minutes timeframe; an online learner should go through 3 screens of content.

3. Perform extensive user testing:

User testing is essential to any type of online development, especially in an e-Learning context. It's important to develop a usability-testing regimen that evaluates the usability of your online content and system from the perspectives of the different types of LMS users. Your LMS systems administrator would have different needs and concerns than one of your online learners or an instructor. Usability testing criteria must be established for each of the various groups so you can get an accurate assessment of your LMS implementation and make any necessary modifications before you roll out your program.